Satisitical Assist


Transform your study data into comprehensible findings. We do statistical analyses of your research findings and technique in order to validate and quantify your work. We provide statistical analysis for research that organizes and presents data in a transparent, trustworthy manner, hence increasing transparency and reproducibility. We can assist you if you are concerned about the sample size, the difficulty of interpreting the data, or the inadequacy of your work’s explanations.

Questionnaire formation

Questionnaire design is a multistage process that requires attention to many details at once. Designing the questionnaire is complicated because surveys can ask about topics in varying degrees of detail, questions can be asked in different ways, and questions asked earlier in a survey may influence how people respond to later questions.


To whom?

  • Researchers who want an expert to undertake a statistical analysis of their study findings and make recommendations on how to convey their findings more effectively.
  • Researchers who have raw data access.

Our Output

  • Data that is well-organized and labeled.
  • Research findings and conclusions based on statistical analysis.
  • A report summarizing the statistical analysis.
  • Files containing the SPSS output file, graphs, charts, and figures
  • Sections on methods/results based on observations

You are required to provide

  • The study objectives
  • A concise description of the study and the data collection process used.
  • raw data collected
  • Expert / past researchers instructions, as well as references to any previously published articles

Recommendation Based on Statistics


You and an PABM Campus specialist cooperate to construct the statistical model based on your final data and study objective. The expert then evaluates the study technique and findings using the most effective tools. This service gives in-depth assessments and explanations that aid in the improvement of your work.

To whom?

  • Researcehrs in need of expert guidance in selecting and executing the proper statistical model and tools for statistical evaluation.
  • Researchers who have collected data and identified a statistical method but seek support in operating statistical tools and software.


Our Output

  • Research findings and conclusions based on statistical analysis.
  • Graphs, tables, and charts
  • Output file for SPSS

What do we require of you?

  • The purpose of the study and its hypothesis.
  • Clean and well-labeled data.
  • The study's objective.
  • Data pertaining to sample distribution.

Verification Statistical


A statistician will analyze your data using the statistical method you specify, taking into account the study purpose and available data. This service aids in the validation of the analysis and the enhancement of the study findings.

To whom?

  • Researchers that have already undertaken statistical analysis as part of their research and wish to validate their findings.
  • Researchers who wish to verify their statistical analyses and refine their conclusions.

Our Output

  • Statistical Insights and Conclusions
  • Graphs, charts, and tables have been modified
  • Modifications to the SPSS output file
  • Sections on methods/results based on observations

What do we require of you?

  • The purpose of the study and its hypothesis.
  • The output of statistics (e.g. SPSS file).
  • Data pertaining to sample distribution.
  • The chosen statistical model, approach, instrument, or computer language.


Complete Statistical Analysis:

This is a complete statistical analysis for the purpose of doing research. Our experts will clean, test, and verify your raw data and research technique to ensure transparency and reproducibility. Additionally, they will incorporate charts, tables, and graphs to enhance the text. Your study findings will be well-structured, reputable, and publishable.


To whom?

  • Researchers who want an expert to undertake a statistical analysis of their study findings and make recommendations on how to convey their findings more effectively.
  • Researchers who have raw data access.

Our Output

  • Data that is well-organized and labeled.
  • Research findings and conclusions based on statistical analysis.
  • A report summarizing the statistical analysis.
  • Files containing the SPSS output file, graphs, charts, and figures
  • Sections on methods/results based on observations

You are required to provide

  • The study objectives
  • A concise description of the study and the data collection process used.
  • raw data collected
  • Expert / past researchers instructions, as well as references to any previously published articles

Are you having difficulty with statistical analysis in your research?

Kindly permit 

to assist you

Contact us